Shopify Store Audit on SPANX: SEO Performance Report

Blog / Shopify Store Audit on SPANX: SEO Performance Report
SPANX Shopify Store Audit

What’s hurting your Shopify SEO growth?

Shopify Store Audit is the only way to keep your store running at its best. 

In this article, we will conduct a thorough Shopify Store Audit on SPANX. It is one of the top apparel brands selling women’s clothing in the United States. If you want an in-depth Shopify SEO Audit for your store, our Shopify SEO Services may come handy.

This audit report will help Shopify Businesses understand how big storefronts maximize their sales potential. 

And maybe you could adopt a few strategies as well?

Shopify Store Audit: The Basis of an SEO Report 

Before we dive right into the specifics of conducting a Shopify store audit,

it’s crucial to understand its significance. Conducting a regular Shopify SEO Audit can help businesses identify any shortcomings in their store. Additionally, these audits can also help in discovering improvement opportunities for stores. 

Here are some KPIs of a Shopify Store Audit Report:

Organic Search Traffic

✅Paid Search Traffic

✅Domain Authority

✅Shopify Speed Score 

✅Competitive Position

✅Total Backlinks Summary

✅Top Organic Keywords

✅Ad Samples

✅Product Descriptions


Knowing where your store lacks is the key to growing a Shopify Storefront.

Regular Shopify Store Audit Reports help you better optimize your website and increase sales conversions. There are many more aspects to an SEO Audit Report. However, these are the most fundamental components of any Shopify Store Audit.

Why Conduct a Shopify Store Audit on SPANX?

The Apparel category comprises 521,498 Live Shopify Stores as of 2023.

Needless to say, there are many stores competing against each other to score customers. If you are a Shopify Business with an apparel store (or in the process of building one), our Shopify Store Audit on SPANX will give you some insights into the different aspects of Shopify SEO and Store Rankings. 

Founding Days of the SPANX Store

Sara Blakely founded SPANX in the late 1990s.

What we now know as a billion-dollar brand started with a funding of $5,000 from Sara’s own savings. The founding story starts with Sarah realizing everything wrong with the women’s tights back then. The seams were her enemy! As a saleswoman in the nineties, we reckon that she needed better and more comfortable clothing. Hence, SPANX was born. 

Now let’s get to the numbers and figures.

Shopify Store Audit Fundamental Metrics

#1: Organic Search Traffic Summary

The brand holds organic search traffic of 556.0K as of June 2023.

SPANX Store Audit Organic

The organic search summary gives us an overview of the overall organic traffic on the store.

This comprises all the traffic received without paying anything. Organic Traffic is earned by using Shopify Best Practices like Shopify Product Page Optimization, Content Creation, Guest-Posting, Video Marketing, Social Media Marketing, and more. SPANX ranks for 53.2K keywords organically. This yields them traffic worth $4.1M without paying for it.

Therefore, working on boosting store rankings organically helps businesses yield so much more from it. Let’s talk about the paid traffic now.

#2: Paid Search Traffic Summary 

The brand gets traffic of 42.8K from its paid search campaigns.

SPANX Store Audit Paid

Businesses can not maintain the top rank with just organic rankings.

They help in building traffic. However, paid traffic is also vital. It helps businesses in ranking at the top of the search engines consistently. Shopify PPC Services help businesses when they are running sale. It drives traffic from Google directly to the store. Think of it like an advertisement to boost sales conversions.

The paid search metrics show the amount a Shopify Website pays for certain keywords.

Here we can see that SPANX pays for 2.8K keywords at a traffic cost of $307.8K.

#3: Total Backlinks Summary

The brand holds 1.7M backlinks for the storefront in total. 

SPANX Backlinks Summary

You can see the metrics here show the various Backlink Types pointing at the store.

That’s quite a lot of quality backlinking!

Having quality backlinks is a way to tell Google that your website is acknowledged as a quality source on the web. Since many other renowned websites and pages are linked to your store, it makes your store more authoritative. 

#4: Top Organic Keywords

SPANX Organic Keywords

The top organic keywords of the brand include informational, navigational, commercial, and transactional keywords. Spanx has 65.4% commercial organic keywords and 18.4% Informational keywords, bringing most of the traffic to their store. Our guide discusses how to brainstorm and Refine Keywords for Your Shopify Store.

These keywords help you understand what products the store sells the most. The top organic keyword is “spanx.” It has a volume of 2,46,000 and brings 35.39% of the traffic on the website. 

Take a look at the other top organic keywords of the brand.

SPANX Store Top Keywords

#5: Engagement Metrics

Firstly, the storefront has a Domain Authority Score of 51.

They got 1.5M visits on the website in the month of May 2023. Out of which 1.2M visitors are unique. This means they are new to the website and potentially interested in buying the products in the store. By looking at the bounce rate, you can see that 72.98% of people leave the website after visiting. However, out of the 1.2M visitors, there are still 3,25,000 people who possibly converted. That is a big success overall.

Keeping an eye on the metrics tells businesses where they can improve more.

This comes in handy with a Shopify Store Audit. We discussed these five fundamental metrics, but there are many more KPIs in a Shopify SEO Audit Report. It is highly crucial to regularly evaluate the metrics that are most relevant to your store’s growth. 


The SPANX Storefront has always been delivering value and keeping up its SEO Game year after year.

The Shopify SEO Audit of the store tells that they have been maximizing their potential and driving sales consistently. Businesses can create a compelling and user-friendly shopping experience by regularly auditing SEO performance and tracking analytics. Regularly reassessing your store’s performance ensures your Shopify Store remains competitive in the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape.

Shopify SEO Consultant helps businesses conduct a Shopify SEO Audit that paves the way to higher website performance and business growth. Get in touch with us for your Shopify Store Audit Report.

We also conducted a Shopify SEO Audit on Chubbies— one of the biggest sellers of men’s shorts and swim trunks. Besides key SEO elements on the store, we analyzed their social media as well.

Give it a read.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I conduct a Shopify store audit?

You must conduct a Shopify store audit at least once every six months. Our SEO Experts say that regular audits help ensure that your store remains up-to-date, optimized, and aligned with the latest industry trends.

Can I conduct a store audit myself or hire a professional?

It is better to get professional help from Shopify Expert. We provide you with valuable insights. Our professionals have the experience to identify areas for improvement and the key metrics specific for your business growth. Most importantly, professionals offer actionable recommendations.

What should I prioritize when conducting a Shopify store audit for my apparel business?

When conducting a Shopify store audit, prioritize areas such as store design and user experience. Apparel Stores on Shopify must also have quality product pages and descriptions. Moreover, monitoring marketing strategies, SEO performance, and tracking analytics is also crucial. These aspects have a significant impact on your store’s success and customer satisfaction.


Authored By Roman Gorski

Authored By Roman Gorski

"Translating business plans onto the website and perfecting optimization reflects in positioning."

In 2011, Roman Gorski began his marketing endeavors with Search Engine Optimization. A whole new universe of e-commerce marketing soon became his playground. With over 12+ years of marketing in the industry, Shopify SEO still continues to be one of Roman's best areas of expertise.

Besides staying on top of Google Updates and SEO best practices, Roman enjoys watching TV series. He also likes to spend his free time dining out with friends.

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