Shopify Schema Presets: How to Rank Your Storefront Organically on Google

Blog / Shopify Schema Presets: How to Rank Your Storefront Organically on Google

Incorporating Shopify Schema Presets into your online store is a must. 

They help you optimize your website for better search engine visibility. Shopify schema presets enhance your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) by providing structured data. This helps Google to easily understand the core of your Shopify Website. 

Our guide, How Shopify Schema Types Boost Shopify SEO, discusses the secret to a high-converting storefront— ie. Schema. You might want to give it a read for a broader understanding (and adopt a thing or two!)

In this article, we’ll dive into the benefits of using schema presets on your storefront.

We will also discuss how to level up your storefront’s organic ranking with Schema Presets.

Let’s get right into it.

What Are Shopify Schema Presets?

Shopify schema presets are pre-designed templates that allow you to add structured data to your website easily. Structured data provides search engines with additional context about the content on your web pages, making it easier for them to interpret and rank your website accordingly. 

The tag used for the schema is {% schema %}, and it is a liquid tag. 

Its contents can include various attributes such as:

  • name
  • tag
  • class
  • limit
  • settings
  • blocks
  • max_blocks
  • presets
  • default
  • locales

With Shopify Presets, you can add important metadata and sections to your Shopify store without the need for technical coding knowledge. It allows you to add a section on the JSON template through the theme editor itself. Knowing the attributes of Shopify presets will help you build a better website structure.

Knowing the Attributes of Presets in Shopify

Presets are default configurations of sections on a Shopify Store. In order to implement Schema in the best possible way, you must know the three attributes of Presets. They are name, settings, and blocks. 

#1: The Name Attribute in Shopify Schema Presets

The attribute “name” in Shopify Presets shows in the Add Section portion of the theme editor.

#2: The Settings Attribute in Shopify Schema Presets

This attribute is for the list of default values for any settings.

Each entry must include the setting name and value.

#3: The Blocks Attribute in Shopify Schema Presets

This is just a list of default blocks that you might want.

Each entry in the blocks attribute consists of “type” and “settings.” as attributes.

Knowing these attributes of presets in Shopify is not enough. It is also equally important to use the correct Schema Type for the content you are describing. For instance, you can not put Breadcrumb Schema in the place of Product Schema

Moreover, provide accurate and complete information for all required attributes for the Shopify Schema Presets. It is important to use valid values for all attributes. 

Lastly, test, test, test.

Test your Shopify Schema Markup to make sure it is working properly.

Priming Shopify Schema Presets to Improve SEO

Shopify Schema Presets improve SEO as it helps in better ranking on Google. If a Shopify Storefront sells shoes, adding Product Schema to the product pages will help. This includes information such as the shoe’s brand name, price, description, and even images. 

Schema helps Google understand what your shoes are and who they are for, and it leads to your product pages appearing higher in search results for queries such as “buy shoes” or “best running shoes.” 

Most Shopify stores sell products and services. That’s why the Product Schema Presets are the most important out of all. Let’s check out the different types of presets in Shopify.

#1 Boost Organic Visibility with Product Schema

Shopify Schema Presets Product Schema

One of the most valuable Shopify Schema Presets is the product schema.

By utilizing the product schema, you provide search engines with detailed information about your products, such as the title, description, price, availability, and more. As you can see in the image, Chubbies Shorts have applied product schema on their store.

It shows some of their top products such as:

  • Swim Trunks
  • Tops and T-shirts
  • Casual Shorts

This enables search engines to display rich snippets in search results, giving potential customers a glimpse of your products. This allows a potential buyer to have a look at the offerings even before they click through to your website. It is a good way to let the buyer know what to expect on the store.

#2 Local Business Schema Enhances Local SEO

Shopify Schema Presets Local Business Schema

Schema Presets are not only beneficial for online stores. It is also great for physical stores offering local services. Incorporating the local business schema can significantly improve your local SEO efforts. 

Local Business Shopify Schema specifies the following information about your business:

  • Business name
  • Business Address
  • Phone Number
  • Operating Hours
  • Other Relevant Details 

This helps search engines understand the local context of your business. 

Next time when someone in need searches for services that you offer, your storefront will more likely appear in localized search results.

#3 Optimize for Events with Event Schema

Shopify Schema Presets Event Schema

Event schema is perfect for businesses hosting events. It can be an online webinar, a workshop, or a local gathering. By utilizing the event schema, you can provide search engines with essential event details. 

Schema Presets like Event Schema can give the following details:

  • Event Name
  • Date of Event
  • Time of the Session
  • Location of the Event
  • Brief Description

This helps event listings stand out in search results and attract more attendees.

#4 Improve Site Navigation with Breadcrumb Schema

Shopify Schema Presets Breadcrumb Schema

Out of all the Shopify Schema Presets, the Breadcrumb schema is useful for enhancing your website’s navigation structure. It is used for improving the user experience as well. For this, we used our own website to show you the difference : )

Breadcrumbs provide a trail of links that show users the path they’ve taken to reach a particular page. If you look at the image above, you will see the symbol “>” after followed by the word blog. This actually shows the trail of webpages that lead you to this blog page.

So implementing breadcrumb schema in your Shopify store allows search engines to understand the hierarchical relationship between your web pages, making it easier for them to index and display relevant pages in search results. It also helps the reader understand what to expect form the page before they even click.

????Pro Tip from Shopify SEO Consultant????

Shopify Schema Presets enable you to apply a pre-made set of schema to your store. Its prime benefit is that your store complies with a particular standard rather than using the same set of schema throughout.

Keep in mind that using presets to override pre-existing schema can produce unexpected outcomes. Applying schema presets carelessly might result in disrupting your shop’s current schema and frustrating your consumers. It is advised to seek help from professionals here.

Shopify SEO Consultant offers businesses a holistic website overhaul aimed at boosting Google rankings. We are backed with 7+ years of experience niched down to On-Page SEO Services, Off-Page SEO Services, Technical SEO Services and more.

The Key Takeaway

Incorporating Shopify Schema Presets into your store enhances your website’s SEO performance.

By providing Google structured data, you help the search crawlers to understand and rank your web pages accurately. With the various schema presets discussed in the article, you can optimize different aspects of your website to outrank your competitors and attract more organic traffic. 

You can put to use some of the following Shopify Schema Types:

  • product schema
  • event schema
  • local business schema
  • breadcrumb schema.

Take advantage of the schema presets today and watch your online store climb the search engine rankings!

Want to dive deeper into Schema Markup?

Here’s another must-read guide, How Shopify Schema Types Boost Shopify SEO,

It discusses the secret to a high-converting storefront— i.e. Schema.

You might want to give it a read for a broader understanding (and adopt a thing or two!)


Authored By Roman Gorski

Authored By Roman Gorski

"Translating business plans onto the website and perfecting optimization reflects in positioning."

In 2011, Roman Gorski began his marketing endeavors with Search Engine Optimization. A whole new universe of e-commerce marketing soon became his playground. With over 12+ years of marketing in the industry, Shopify SEO still continues to be one of Roman's best areas of expertise.

Besides staying on top of Google Updates and SEO best practices, Roman enjoys watching TV series. He also likes to spend his free time dining out with friends.

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